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North America

Exists to equip, resource, and network churches, pastors, and leaders engaged in global missions.

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The gospel has the power to change our world through the transformation of lives

Lausanne North America (L-NA) is committed to extending the influence and passion of Lausanne International by connecting influencers and ideas on mission and evangelism for Christ and His Kingdom. L-NA is a network of Christian leaders and influencers in all sectors of society who seek to show t& share the love of Jesus and His work in the world wherever they are.

Innovation & Strategy
L-NA brings together innovators and leaders to work together in strategy and research groups around specific issues.

Small & Large Group Gatherings
L-NA is a connection and networking hub, hosting gatherings and roundtable discussions around important issues today.

Resources & Tools
L-NA provides both digital and print-based resources to equip the church in North America to press into the calling of God.

Current Groups

Church Multiplication Institute

This group invites leaders to join together around sound missiological and biblically-faithful principles for planting new churches in 21st-century North America.

Evangelism Leaders Fellowship

The fellowship is a network of state, province, national, and adjudicatory leaders that seeks to affirm and raise the place of evangelism in the local church.

Church Planters Leadership Fellowship

This group is a community of church planting denominational and network leaders from across North America who gather twice a year for collaborative learning.

Correctional Ministries Leaders Group

This strategy group is committed to helping one another understand issues at work in and around correctional ministries. The group provides resources for local churches interested in correctional ministries work.

Diaspora Strategy Group

This group is in the formative stages and will be made up of various leading North American missiologists and practitioners who gather to help shape diaspora missiological and outreach conversations in the local church in North America.

Arts and Evangelism Strategy Group

This group is in the formative stages and will be made up of various leading North American missiologists and practitioners who work towards elevating the arts in mission and evangelism and equipping Christ-followers to utilize the arts in all areas of worship and life.


Amplify is the annual gathering for Lausanne North America. Designed for local church teams, we convene leaders each October at Wheaton College.

International Student Ministry (ISM)

This strategy group collaborates to share and celebrate growth in ISM, prayerfully consider critical gaps, identify needed resources, and pursue tools and opportunities to strengthen gospel ministry among international students and scholars in North America.

Led by Paula Parker:


A Note from the Regional Director

Churches and Christians in North America are facing a number of challenges, both externally and internally. While our culture continues to morph into something many of us are quite unfamiliar with, and that, frankly, kind of scares us, we must not despair! Jesus is still at work, and calls us to join Him. A Lifeway Research project showed that 79% of unchurched people people would engage in a faith conversation if asked. That’s the good news. Many around us are open to matters of faith! Here’s the bad news: that same research showed that only 39% of Christians have shared their faith in the past six months. That’s a big gap. We need to work together around a common passion to show & share the love of Jesus with all those around us. I invite you to look around the Lausanne North America website and see where you can get connected. Let’s work together to see our region of the world transformed by the gospel!
